Your complete guide to DIY watering

4 8052 8055 INDOOR PLANTS With plants, every room becomes not only more beautiful but also more welcoming and more bene cial to your health. What can you do if you are too busy or you go away on holiday? Claber has it covered with solutions which have been speci cally designed for watering potted plants, easily and e ectively. POTTED PLANTS IDRIS® The rst automatic dripper that works with all plastic bottles. IDRIS waters any potted plant with maximum precision every day. in the home, on a balcony or terrace, and also at the o ce, in a waiting room or professional studio: anywhere that there are potted plants. IDEAL Insert it into the soil near to the plant’s roots. Provided complete with a 10 and a 15 cl nozzle. Insert it into the soil near to the plant’s roots. Complete with 4 nozzles with ow rate of 10 cl, 15 cl, 20 cl and 30 cl per day. IDRIS SPIKE IDRIS suitable for DIY works if you’re on holiday independent system saves time saves water