Lose the watering can. The perfect solution for potted plants is Claber’s special Idris Spike sprinkler, to be finished off with an ordinary plastic bottle, with no need for electricity or a tap. Idris Spike has two different drippers to allocate the right amount for each plant, in any climate, and can provide watering independently for several days.
Holidays planned? No problem, Oasis Evolution will take care of it: the water distribution system for potted plants. With Oasis Evolution you can create a temporary drip-irrigation system with no electrical connections and no tap. With 4 programmes for calibrated irrigation you can guarantee wellbeing to your plants for up to 28 days.
No more worries, for potted plants and flowers there’s Aqualux System, the independent drip-irrigation system with a 30-litre tank and 4 daily watering programmes. Aqualux System connects to the electric socket with a USB cable and adapter, but its rechargeable batteries guarantee up to 28 days of irrigation even with no mains electricity. The ideal solution for every day and for long periods away.